For Delaware




Our Mission

Driven by a Kingdom-focused vision, we are a network and a movement dedicated to fostering unity within the Church of Delaware and loving our City.

Join our Network

Our network is made up of a diverse group of kingdom-minded businesses, churches, nonprofits, and ministries. We invite you to join us as we come together to contend for the unity of the body and community transformation in Delaware, Ohio through the good new of Jesus expressed in word and deed.

About Us.

For Delaware is a network of kingdom-minded individuals, businesses, churches, nonprofits, and ministries, all united by a shared, kingdom-minded vision. We are committed to working together to make a lasting, positive impact in Delaware, Ohio.

At For Delaware, we are driven by a Kingdom-focused vision, bringing together organizations and people who are passionate about fostering unity within the Church of Delaware and strengthening our city. We believe in the transformative power of unity and collaboration, as Jesus prayed in John 17, that through our oneness, the world may come to know Him. Each month, we come together in person to encourage one another, share ideas, strategize, and discuss actionable ways to advance the kingdom of God in the city of Delaware. Through these gatherings, we work to create a stronger, more vibrant community that reflects the love and purpose of God in every aspect of life.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”

Psalm 133:1